欢迎校友 & 朋友



No matter where life takes you, you will always have a home here.

Picture of student wearing lime green alumni shirt

Your sucess stories energize our efforts and inspire future generations of 圣保罗书院 students. We encourage alums to stay connected, engage with us on LinkedIn, and attend our annual events.

事件 & 奖


草坪上的朋友 is our annual fundraiser event supporting 圣保罗书院 students. 每一个可能, we invite you to join us for an evening of camaraderie, 拍卖, 美食, 还有草坪游戏.

厨师Jack Chili Bowl

每年10月, we proudly host the 厨师Jack Chili Bowl—an exciting gathering and competition featuring the finest chefs from the Twin Cities. This event is not only a celebration of culinary excellence but also a tribute to the legacy and dedication of alum Chef Jack Riebel. Join us as we raise funds for culinary arts students and crown the winner of the Best Chili title.


The 年度最佳校友 Award honors a graduate for outstanding professional accomplishments and contributions to the 圣保罗书院 community. Nominations for this award open in October each year and close in January.


The 年度最佳社区伙伴奖 honors individuals and community partner organizations for outstanding service and dedication to 圣保罗书院. Nominations for this award open in October each year and close in January.



校友 have access to many different services through our 职业服务 Office, 包括寻找和发布工作, 还有求职信, 重新开始, 面试协助. 联系就业服务了解更多信息.


加入我们的 LinkedIn网络 获得指导机会, 校友mg电子试玩app, and staying connected with your 圣保罗书院 community. Connect with fellow alumni, explore career insights, and engage in meaningful conversations. Stay updated on upcoming events, job opportunities, and the latest success stories. Whether you’re a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, our LinkedIn community is the perfect platform to foster connections and share experiences.


加入我们的 Alum Business 目录 to celebrate, share, and support alumni-owned or led enterprises.

Joining is simple; complete this form. 分享你的业务的简短描述, 突出任何特别促销活动, 展示你的产品或服务.


Stay ahead in your professional journey with our 继续教育 courses at 圣保罗书院! We invite you to explore a range of non-credit classes designed to elevate your skills, 提升你的职业前景, 促进终身学习. 无论你是想拓展你的专业知识, 维护凭证, 或者探索新的激情, our flexible and accessible courses provide the perfect opportunity.


Do you need an official transcript sent to another school outside the Minnesota State system? Want an unofficial copy of your transcript for your own records? Whatever your reason for requesting a transcript, you can do so through this link. 加工费从6美元起.25-$11.25取决于所选择的处理选项. For additional information about transcripts and student records, 访问我们的学生记录页面.



Each year, we award over $300,000 in scholarships to hardworking students. 这是一项重大成就, and it would not be possible without the active participation of a strong volunteer committee comprised of alumni, 捐助者, 学校的员工, 社区成员. Contribute your time by electronically reviewing scholarship applications from home or office. 每年帮助我们评估600多份申请. Commitment of roughly two hours over a two-week period in spring, summer, or fall.



Engage directly with the heart of 圣保罗书院 by joining one of our impactful committees! As an alum, you can contribute your expertise and insights to shape the future of our college. Explore your options – Program Advisory Committees (Link to form), President’s Advisory Council (Separate Page or form), 朋友 of 圣保罗书院 Board of Directors (Separate Page or form)



The 年度最佳校友 Award recognizes outstanding professional achievements and contributions to the 圣保罗书院 community. This prestigious honor celebrates the remarkable accomplishments of our alumni and their enduring commitment to excellence.


合格标准: Candidates must be graduates of one of the following institutions:

  • mg电子试玩app-一个社区 & 技术学院
  • St. 保罗技术学院
  • St. 保罗区职业技术学院(TVI)

A committee appointed by the President of 圣保罗书院 will review all nominations and select the recipient of the 年度最佳校友 Award.


The 提名表格 opens annually in October and closes in January. If you know an outstanding 圣保罗书院 alum who deserves recognition, 我们鼓励你提交提名.


  • 理查德·安方(1966年绘画与装饰)
  • 杰里·巴恩斯(1967年管道装配)
  • Jean Bauer(医学实验室技术' 75)
  • Ryan Caulfield(烹饪艺术' 96)
  • 詹姆斯·杜迪(1970年管道工)
  • Carla Fryar(1982年美容)
  • Tarra Grammenos (Sign Language Interpreter Training ’06)
  • Robert Haskins(1975年机床)
  • Richard Hesse(1958年机床)
  • 伦纳德·卡特(73年制表业)
  • Nathaniel Khaliq(72年木工)
  • 小西德尼·马吉. (1968年修车)
  • 代表. 蒂姆·马奥尼(85年管道安装)
  • 汤姆·麦卡锡(86年管道工)
  • 汤姆·尼尔森(1984年机床)
  • 约翰·奥康纳(《mg电子试玩app》)
  • Tola Oladipupo (ASL ' 16)
  • Billeigh Riser(电气72年)
  • 杰克·瑞贝尔(烹饪艺术)
  • John Schiltz(烹饪艺术' 75)
  • Curt Southward(电气技术' 74)
  • Robert Tipler(电气技术' 64)
  • Steven Tufenk(管道装配1974)
  • Pamela Wellumson (Sign Language Interpreter Training ’81)
  • 罗伯特·威德斯基(62年水管工程)



Each year the 年度最佳社区合作伙伴 award honors an individual or an organization for their role in helping 圣保罗书院 students succeed. 


To be considered for the 年度最佳社区合作伙伴 award, candidates must meet at least two of the following criteria:

  • 项目咨询委员会成员
  • 总统顾问委员会成员
  • Member of the 朋友 of 圣保罗书院 Board of Directors
  • Strong record of hiring 圣保罗书院 students and alumni
  • Contributed to 圣保罗书院 financially or through in-kind donations
  • Served as a mentor for 圣保罗书院 students
  • Partnership with 圣保罗书院 on grants or other programs to advance the College’s mission
  • 社区、州或联邦的领导

A committee appointed by the President of 圣保罗书院 will review all nominations and select the recipient of the 年度最佳校友 Award.


The 提名表格 opens annually in October and closes in January. If you know an outstanding 圣保罗书院 alum who deserves recognition, 我们鼓励你提交提名.


  • 詹姆斯·斯塔洛克(2007)
  • 霍华德·古斯曼(2008)
  • 大卫·伯格(2009)
  • 市议员Daniel Bostrom (2010)
  • 名誉主席多诺万·施维希滕贝格(2011)
  • 明尼苏达国际学院(2014)
  • 市长克里斯·科尔曼(2015)
  • 卡琳·麦凯布(2016)
  • 众议员爱丽丝·豪斯曼(2017)
  • 劳拉·贝思(2018)
  • 格雷格·巴克(2019)
  • 乌贾马广场(2021年)
  • 艾丽卡·舒马赫(2022)
  • 盖伊·亚当斯·梅西(2023)